Home>Products>Yuken single Vane pump>Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump
Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump
Yuken single Vane pump
Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump Product Brochures , 190x290x75 Yuken single Vane pump Manufacturing Service . Get 75 mm B Your TMA Hydraulic Pump Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Free.
- Yuken
- 0.5000 in
- 13500 lb
- 6 °
- 1350 lb
- 1.4690 in
- Grease
- Male Threaded
- Max 350°
TMA Hydraulic Pump Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
TMA Hydraulic Pump Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.China
TMA Hydraulic Pump Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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SpecificationsYuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump
- Left Hand
- 1.3120 in
- Precision Extra Capacity
- .5000 in
- No Fitting
- .6250 in
- 4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating
- 2.4380 in
- Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated
- ARE-20
- Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating
- 1540802000
Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pumpDetails of
##Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pumpParts Table 1## | ||||||||
Housings Casings | 10 mm | 19 mm | 40 | 1.938 Inch | 49.225 Millimeter | ||||
Cylinder Blocks | 3.281 Inch | 83.337 Millimeter | 4.938 Inch | 125.425 Millimeter | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Set Plate | 1.969 Inch | 50 Millimeter | 1.921 Inch | 48.8 Millimeter | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Piston Shoe | 1.181 Inch | 30 Millimeter | 2.835 Inch | 72 Millimeter | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Ball Joint | 0.748 Inch | 19 Millimeter | 5.2031 to 6.1094 in | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Oil Distribution Plate | 75 | 7.48 Inch | 190 Millimeter | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Valve Plates | 1.5 Inch | 38.1 Millimeter | 1.938 Inch | 49.225 Millimeter | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Seal Kits | 1.378 Inch | 35 Millimeter | 3.15 Inch | 80 Millimeter | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Ball Guides | 9 Inch | 228.6 Millimeter | 14.125 Inch | 358.775 Millimeter | 0.0 | N/A | ||||
Press Pin | 1.7500 in | 5.2031 to 6.1094 in | 1/2 Inch | 6500 | ||||
Retainer Plate | 35 mm | 72 mm | 6500 | 2 Single Cone | 1 Double Cup | Medium Duty | Unground Cone Spacer | Outer Race with Oil Holes and Groove | ||||
Inclined Plate | 90 mm | 90x40x33 | 0.3 | 30MM Bore; 72MM Outside Diameter; 19MM Outer Race Diameter; 2 Metal Shields; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No Snap Ring; No Internal Special Features | ||||
Shoe Piston | 40 mm | 90 mm | 711758 | 16 Millimeter | ||||
Oil Distribution Disc Plug | 24.5 | Straight | 711758 | 90043 |
Yuken PV2R4-237-F-LAB-4222 single Vane pump | Control Pressure Measurement:0.5000 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:13500 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:6 °; Rotary stiffness:1350 lb; Pressurefree Operation:1.4690 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Grease; Maximum Torque:Male Threaded; Pilot Pressure:Max 350°; Case volume:Left Hand; Torque:1.3120 in; Power:Precision Extra Capacity; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:.5000 in; Control Fluid Drain:No Fitting; Maximum rotational speed:.6250 in; Drive Power:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Sequence Valve:2.4380 in; Nominal Resistance:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Flow:ARE-20; Weight (approx.):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-237-L-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum Volume Flow:0.5000 in; Case volume:13500 lb; Maximum Torque:6 °; Moment of inertia rotary group:1350 lb; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.4690 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Grease; Sequence Valve:Male Threaded; Rate Of Pressure Change:Max 350°; Maximum rotational speed:Left Hand; Determining Operating Characteristics:1.3120 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Precision Extra Capacity; Pilot Pressure:.5000 in; Load Pressure:No Fitting; Voltage:.6250 in; Torque:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Pressurefree Operation:2.4380 in; Flow:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:ARE-20; Rotary stiffness:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Weight (approx.):1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-200-F-LAB-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum angular acceleration:0.5000 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:13500 lb; Pilot Pressure:6 °; Sequence Valve:1350 lb; Maximum Volume Flow:1.4690 in; Load Pressure:Grease; Nominal Resistance:Male Threaded; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Max 350°; Drive Power:Left Hand; Maximum rotational speed:1.3120 in; Control Fluid Drain:Precision Extra Capacity; Flow:.5000 in; Drive Speed:No Fitting; Pressurefree Operation:.6250 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2.4380 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Voltage:ARE-20; Weight (approx.):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-237-F-RAB-4222 single Vane pump | Rotary stiffness:0.5000 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:13500 lb; Control Fluid Drain:6 °; Power:1350 lb; Control Pressure Measurement:1.4690 in; Pilot Pressure:Grease; Flow:Male Threaded; Drive Speed:Max 350°; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Left Hand; Load Pressure:1.3120 in; Weight (approx.):Precision Extra Capacity; Sequence Valve:.5000 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:No Fitting; Pressurefree Operation:.6250 in; Drive Power:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Case volume:2.4380 in; Maximum Torque:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:ARE-20; Torque:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Volume Flow:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-237-L-RAB-4222 single Vane pump | Pilot Pressure:0.5000 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:13500 lb; Power:6 °; Maximum rotational speed:1350 lb; Determining Operating Characteristics:1.4690 in; Nominal Resistance:Grease; Maximum Volume Flow:Male Threaded; Rate Of Pressure Change:Max 350°; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Left Hand; Drive Speed:1.3120 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Precision Extra Capacity; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):.5000 in; Load Pressure:No Fitting; Sequence Valve:.6250 in; Rotary stiffness:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum angular acceleration:2.4380 in; Voltage:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum Torque:ARE-20; Flow:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Control Fluid Drain:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-200-F-RAB-4222 single Vane pump | Pilot Pressure:0.5000 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:13500 lb; Control Fluid Drain:6 °; Maximum Torque:1350 lb; Control Pressure Measurement:1.4690 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Grease; Moment of inertia rotary group:Male Threaded; Pressurefree Operation:Max 350°; Voltage:Left Hand; Flow:1.3120 in; Weight (approx.):Precision Extra Capacity; Maximum Volume Flow:.5000 in; Load Pressure:No Fitting; Drive Power:.6250 in; Sequence Valve:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Rotary stiffness:2.4380 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum rotational speed:ARE-20; Power:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Rate Of Pressure Change:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-237-L-LAA-4222 single Vane pump | Rotary stiffness:0.5000 in; Maximum Torque:13500 lb; Determining Operating Characteristics:6 °; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1350 lb; Voltage:1.4690 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Grease; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Male Threaded; Case volume:Max 350°; Maximum angular acceleration:Left Hand; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.3120 in; Maximum rotational speed:Precision Extra Capacity; Load Pressure:.5000 in; Power:No Fitting; Weight (approx.):.6250 in; Drive Power:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Torque:2.4380 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Control Fluid Drain:ARE-20; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Pilot Pressure:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-237-L-LAB-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.5000 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):13500 lb; Nominal Resistance:6 °; Maximum Volume Flow:1350 lb; Power:1.4690 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Grease; Load Pressure:Male Threaded; Torque:Max 350°; Pilot Pressure:Left Hand; Voltage:1.3120 in; Pressurefree Operation:Precision Extra Capacity; Rate Of Pressure Change:.5000 in; Drive Power:No Fitting; Drive Speed:.6250 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2.4380 in; Case volume:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Weight (approx.):ARE-20; Determining Operating Characteristics:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Rotary stiffness:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-237-F-LAA-4222 single Vane pump | Pilot Pressure:0.5000 in; Drive Power:13500 lb; Moment of inertia rotary group:6 °; Maximum Torque:1350 lb; Maximum Volume Flow:1.4690 in; Sequence Valve:Grease; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Male Threaded; Flow:Max 350°; Case volume:Left Hand; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.3120 in; Voltage:Precision Extra Capacity; Weight (approx.):.5000 in; Control Fluid Drain:No Fitting; Drive Speed:.6250 in; Control Pressure Measurement:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Load Pressure:2.4380 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Determining Operating Characteristics:ARE-20; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-237-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump | Maximum angular acceleration:0.5000 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:13500 lb; Flow:6 °; Voltage:1350 lb; Sequence Valve:1.4690 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Grease; Drive Speed:Male Threaded; Nominal Resistance:Max 350°; Control Fluid Drain:Left Hand; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.3120 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Precision Extra Capacity; Rotary stiffness:.5000 in; Load Pressure:No Fitting; Case volume:.6250 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Weight (approx.):2.4380 in; Pilot Pressure:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Torque:ARE-20; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Control Pressure Measurement:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-200-L-LAB-4222 single Vane pump | Rate Of Pressure Change:0.5000 in; Pilot Pressure:13500 lb; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:6 °; Moment of inertia rotary group:1350 lb; Voltage:1.4690 in; Weight (approx.):Grease; Rotary stiffness:Male Threaded; Control Fluid Drain:Max 350°; Sequence Valve:Left Hand; Torque:1.3120 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Precision Extra Capacity; Pressurefree Operation:.5000 in; Maximum Torque:No Fitting; Load Pressure:.6250 in; Power:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.4380 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Drive Power:ARE-20; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum rotational speed:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-200-L-RAB-4222 single Vane pump | Torque:0.5000 in; Voltage:13500 lb; Pilot Pressure:6 °; Power:1350 lb; Control Fluid Drain:1.4690 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Grease; Control Pressure Measurement:Male Threaded; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Max 350°; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Left Hand; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.3120 in; Sequence Valve:Precision Extra Capacity; Maximum angular acceleration:.5000 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:No Fitting; Moment of inertia rotary group:.6250 in; Case volume:4130 Alloy Steel - heat treated - corrosion resistant plating; Drive Speed:2.4380 in; Maximum Torque:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum Volume Flow:ARE-20; Load Pressure:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum rotational speed:1540802000; |
Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 single Vane pump Video
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- TMA Hydraulic Pump Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
- AddressWellington Crescent, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS11 8RZ, UK
Yuken PV2R4-153-F-RAA-4222 Technical Articles
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What are the 5 basic components of a hydraulic system? |
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